Noticias de FCAT: Empoderamiento juvenil, reforestación, agricultura regenerativa, ciencia, ¡y más!

Summer is heating up at FCAT! Read below for exciting updates about our youth empowerment and education program, reforestation, regenerative agriculture, science, and more. Club Nueva Generación Club Nueva Generación, our environmental club that empowers local youth to become the next generation of conservation leaders, is approaching its one-year anniversary! Club meetings have involved engaging

Noticias de FCAT: Empoderamiento juvenil, reforestación, agricultura regenerativa, ciencia, ¡y más! Leer más »

2022: Resumen del año

Los últimos años han traído muchos cambios significativos para FCAT - y el 2022 no fue la excepción. A medida que nos acercamos al 2023, nos enorgullece reflexionar sobre los logros y éxitos de FCAT en el 2022. Gracias por todo su apoyo, en todas sus formas, que ayudó a hacer esto posible.

2022: Resumen del año Leer más »

Especie de rana en peligro crítico encontrada en la Reserva FCAT

FCAT researchers have recently found a new population of the Bilsa white-chested frog (Leucosthethus bilsa)– an IUCN Critically Endangered species, whose previously known range was limited to a small 6 km2 area within the Bilsa Biological Reserve. As part of a larger project looking into the relationship between amphibian biodiversity and cacao production, FCATeros Darwin

Especie de rana en peligro crítico encontrada en la Reserva FCAT Leer más »

FCAT inicia experimento de reforestación a escala de paisaje

Last year, FCAT acquired a 42 ha property with plans to use the land as a hub for forest restoration and research. Working with leading forest restoration scientists Leighton Reid (Virginia Tech) and Zak Zahawi (University of Hawaii and Charles Darwin Foundation), FCAT is planting 5,000 seedlings of 20 different species using a restoration strategy

FCAT inicia experimento de reforestación a escala de paisaje Leer más »

Welcome new FCAT staff!

We would like to welcome several new staff members to the FCAT family! Karla Zambrano, from the nearby community of Herrera, joined us to help manage research projects and field station operations. Evaristo Cedeño is working with Alison Ke at UC Davis, researching whether nesting sites are limiting the populations of cavity-nesting birds in tropical agricultural

Welcome new FCAT staff! Leer más »

FCAT hosts field course from Tulane University

Over the course of two weeks, 22 undergraduate students from Tulane University were immersed in the nature and culture of western Ecuador during their stay at the FCAT reserve. The course entitled ‘Tropical Field Biology and Conservation’ provides students with the opportunity to develop and implement independent research projects under the guidance of FCAT’s expert

FCAT hosts field course from Tulane University Leer más »